
#MainGateStrong Gift Voucher Sale

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#MainGateStrong Gift Voucher Sale – Ends July 31st, 2021

Support your favorite Main Gate Square restaurant, shops and businesses as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic by participating in the in Main Gate Strong Gift Voucher sale which begins Wednesday April 29.

Marshall Foundation has sponsored one thousand $10-off coupons allowing you to instantly receive by email a printable $35 gift voucher for only $25.  Simply visit, select your gift voucher(s) and use the coupon code “MainGateStrong” at checkout to receive the discount while supplies last. You can use the vouchers immediately at merchants currently open, or help the merchants that cannot be open now and use the vouchers later when they reopen.

Main Gate Square and Marshall Foundation want to thank the University of Arizona and the Tucson community for continuing to support our merchants during this unprecedented time.  “Our merchants are adjacent to the University and March, April, and May are some our best months.  The University closing was devastating to our businesses as well as every business in Tucson because we are a University town,” according to Jane McCollum, General Manager.
